It has been a fairly emotional week for me. Wrapping up everything at work, then finally saying good-bye to everyone was quite the surreal feeling. Walking out the door knowing I won't be back until July was invigorating and scary at the same time. Coming home to my husband Tim, knowing that it is the last couple of days that we have together for some time, just made the hugs so much sweeter.
I went to my first teacher, Linda's class on Friday. She has been mentoring me and supporting me for the past couple of months. Class ended and she said a few words about me going to training... and it just felt right.
(me and Linda after Friday's class) Then this morning, I went to my last class at my studio for 9 weeks. What a feeling!! It was absolutely amazing. My husband came with me, which made it even more special. He's only been to class 3 other times (we say he goes once a year...). but this was his fourth bikram class... 2nd time this year :) and he did awesome. Stayed in the room, did practically every posture, and gave me a big high-five and a kiss when we were done. My brother, sister and one of my best friends were there, too. I felt so supported by the people closest to me. I got some presents from some fellow yogis and lots of hugs and good wishes on my way out. This is real. I am off... what a feeling...
(Me and Tim.. sweaty and smilin' after my last class before training!)
(Mike, Michele, Jocelyn (my sister), me and Tim)