Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week 6

(Unofficial Photo for week 6 - Sorry folks!!)

The week started out with a bit of a THUD. Tim left right before Monday morning class, which obviously had me a little bit weepy. And class that morning sucked major ass for me. The room was hotter than I’ve ever experienced and it totally kicked my ass. For the first time, I actually had to leave the room. It was a huge disappointment for me, that I let my mind take over, but at the time, I had no choice. I was overwhelmed with emotion and heat and just had to GET OUT. But the week only went up from there. And it actually was a good one.

There were a lot of little unexpected great moments throughout the week, looking back on it. The visiting teachers hosted a little pizza party for us on Tuesday night after class. We all kind of just figured that we’d get some free pizza and get to socialize a little, but it turned into this amazing dance party, where everyone just got up and busted out dancing to some Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson, and oh yes… Lionel Richie. A conga line was formed, and we were all in really great, high spirits. We all seemed to have a lot of pent up energy, whether it was good or bad, and sort of got it all out there. It was so fun to see and to be a part of.

Rajashree was back this week, too, which is always a treat. She only taught one class, but she is back all next week, so hopefully we’ll get to have her in the hot room a few more times. The classes this week have been really great. I’ve had some of my best classes simultaneously while I’ve been here. I feel like I am starting to have my body back. I felt more in tuned with myself and focused and stronger than I’ve felt all thru training. Last week and the beginning of this week, I was really feeling like my practice was at a steady decline. I couldn’t hold postures, I was getting really fatigued, and I was actually doing a lot of comparison to those around me. It kind of sucked. However, I’ve kicked it into high gear and feel like these next three weeks are really going to catapult me into a new realm in my practice.

This week was all about posture clinic. I think we may have done about 22 hours of posture clinic, because supposedly we have fallen behind schedule. (No fault of our own, we just had a lot of lectures early on.) So in order to get back on track, we had to kick it up. It’s been really fun… I think I’m getting into a good grove. Little by little, I’m feeling more and more comfortable up in front of people. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still nervous and have my fluttery heart, but I’ve learned how to take better control of it. And guess what? It is all about BREATHING. Hey, go figure! That is exactly the feedback that those damn teachers had been telling me!! Who would have thought??

My group was on the stage on Friday, which I had been dreading. But Friday came along, and actually felt excited about it. I got to do two postures on the stage on Friday, and feel really, really good about them. I did Wind Removing Pose (which isn’t the most high-energy or exciting posture) and Cobra Pose. I absolutely love doing this! A cool thing started happening while I was practicing with actual people, too…. It got easier. I think things are starting to click. I don’t necessarily think I am ready to start giving corrections or anything, but I’m definitely starting to see what needs to be fixed with students. I know this, because while practicing Cobra, one of my demonstrators had their feet apart, and it sort of threw me for a loop. That is going to be a whole new challenge. I look forward to it!

Week 6 is done. It is totally surreal. I’m slowly starting to understand why people have been saying we are going to miss this when it is over. As much as I look forward to getting back home, being back in my house, seeing my husband on a daily basis, and reconnecting with my family and friends, I know that this time right now will never be relived. This experience, with these 320 people, in this exact moment of time and space will never happen again. I’m taking it in a little more now than I was before. I don’t know why that is. Probably because we are in the downward slope, and the end of this journey is starting to come into my sights. But for now, I’m gonna keep looking right here, right now.

(After last class of Week 6! Fellow Group 3-ers, Ashley, Reawin, and Tom)
(Group 3 dinner Saturday night, Phil, Ashley, me and Joe)
(Me and Reawin in Posture Clinic)
(Locust Pose - My knees should be a bit more locked, I think?)

(My backbend. Well, I really thought I was back further than that!!)
Just plain funny...


  1. daaamn, look at those legs on that half locust pose!!

    yes ma'am, i think those legs need to be locked! lock your knees! lock your knees!

    you are amazing. A-MAZE-ING. don't forget it, okay?

    i'm glad your letting it all sink in...I'm sure it's been a crazy journey thus far....but you're totally right--it willl never happen again. so live it up, and feel the NOW :) and don't forget to bottle some of that energy and bring it back to us!

    love you!!


  2. Totally loving your blog. Thanks for sharing so those of us w/ TT envy can live vicariously. ;))

  3. your locust is freakin awesome girlfriend....STRETCH your legs back and up to lock your knees more

    backbend....more weight in heels and PUUUSH your hips forward more.

    you look great... I love reading about your adventures. We went to dinner with Bikram after the lecture Sunday and he sat between me and Sunny!!!!! CAN YOU BELEIVE IT??????
    Everyone at the studio asks about you and can't wait to see you again...Have you figured out when you are teaching your first class yet?
    See you soon....
    xo, Linda

  4. Hey D, I just caught up on all your posts...what an unbelievable experience! Your poses are looking amazing. I can't wait to see you and your energy back at the Hive... you're going to be like a Gazelle!

    Enjoy these last few weeks.
    See you soon!

  5. You are looking very tanned, toned, and bendy!! Love the standing bow - beautiful form. Favorite picture is the posture clinic one of your happy smiling face - I think you are glowing!

    J :)
